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Cara Install TAR.GZ......... di ubuntu

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Cara Install TAR.GZ......... di ubuntu Empty Cara Install TAR.GZ......... di ubuntu

Post by akuma Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:11 pm

Installing Tar Balls in Linux(tar.gz and tar.bz2)
January 4, 2008 — Puneet

Linux is Not Hard as it Sounds Smile ,It is Just awesome.

I have Given The Installation Procedure of The Softwares Which Comes With tar.gz and tar.bz2

I Have Taken an Example package_name.tar.gz or package_name.tar.bz2.

If have downloaded tar ball on my Desktop then Procedure Like Mention Below(u can take your directory where u download ur softwares) and i have taken puneet as a local host u can take ur username of ur local host .
[puneet@localhost ~]$ cd Desktop (go to the Directory where u downloaded the package)

[puneet@localhost Desktop]$ tar xvzf package_name.tar.gz (or tar xvjf package_name.tar.bz2)

As you can see, you use the tar command with the appropriate options (xvzf) for unpacking the tarball. If you have a package with tar.bz2 extension instead, you must tell tar that this isn’t a gzipped tar archive.You do so by using the j option instead of z, like this:

[puneet@localhost Desktop]$ tar xvjf package_name.tar.bz2

What happens after unpacking, depends on the package, but in most cases a directory with the package’s name is created. The newly created directory goes under the directory where you are right now. To be sure, you can give the ls command:

[puneet@localhost Desktop]$ ls

pkg pkg.tar.gz

It will Show The package is Created in the Directory.

No Go to The Package Directory,

[puneet@localhost Desktop]$ cd package_name

Read any documentation you find in this directory, like README or INSTALL files, before Proceeding!

Now After Getting in the Directory run the Command Below :

[puneet@localhost package_name]$ ./configure

When you run the Configure script, you don’t actually compile anything yet Configure just checks your system and assigns values for system-dependent variables.

If configure exited without errors, it’s time to move on to the next step.

[puneet@localhost package_name]$ make

This step may take some time, depending on how big the program is and how fast your computer is.

Now, the final step is to install the program. When doing this you must be root. If you’ve done things as a normal user, you can become root with the su command. It’ll ask you the root password and then you’re ready for the final step!

[puneet@localhost ~]$ su -

password : (type your root password)

Now go to the Location of the package.

[root@localhost ~]# cd /home/puneet/Desktop/package_name

Now we are in the Package Directory.

[root@localhost package_name] #

Now type the command below :

[root@localhost package_name] # make install

Congrats you’ve installed the software and you’re ready to run it!

but First you’d better get back your normal user privileges before you do something stupid.

[root@localhost package_name] # exit

When you ran make it created all sorts of files that were needed during the build process but are useless now and are just taking up disk space. This is why you’ll want to make clean:

[puneet@localhost package_name]$make clean.

Because in this example we didn’t change the behavior of the configure script, the program was installed in the default place. In many cases it’s /usr/local/bin. If /usr/local/bin (or whatever place your program was installed in) is already in your PATH, you can just run the program by typing its name only like i have did Below.

[puneet@localhost ~]programme_name



Happy tarballing Smile


if u don’t need any programme it’s the time to uninstall it .

If you didn’t delete your Makefile, you may be able to remove the program by doing a make uninstall:

Just Follow the steps below :

[puneet@localhost ~]$ su -

password : (type your root password)

Now go to the Location of the package.

[root@localhost ~]# cd /home/puneet/Desktop/package_name

[root@localhost package_name]#make uninstall

Sharingan Perfect
Sharingan Perfect

Number of posts : 850
Age : 48
Registration date : 2008-03-12

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Cara Install TAR.GZ......... di ubuntu Empty Re: Cara Install TAR.GZ......... di ubuntu

Post by akuma Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:27 pm

aku udah nyoba di ubuntu dan backtrack juga
mudah2an berguna.

1. ekstrak file tar.gz nya. misalnya ada di home:
#tar -zxvf /home/gwe/xxx.tgz

2. masuk ke direktori yang tadi diekstrak.
#cd /home/gwe/xxx/

3. setelah masuk ke direktori itu yang di ekstrak ketik perintah make.

4. setelah perintah make selesai, trus ketik perintah make install.
#make install

yupz mudah2an berguna, Salam!!! Laughing
Sharingan Perfect
Sharingan Perfect

Number of posts : 850
Age : 48
Registration date : 2008-03-12

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Cara Install TAR.GZ......... di ubuntu Empty Re: Cara Install TAR.GZ......... di ubuntu

Post by akuma Sun May 04, 2008 5:48 pm


rpm -ivh packagename -> TO install package

rpm -qip packagename ->To view package information before install

rpm -e packagename ->To uninstall package

rpm -q package ->To view if package is already inastalled

For tar.gz and tgz Both are same files with different extensions.

less filename ->TO view contents

tar -zxvf filename ->To untar the files

And if it has a READ me follow it for install[Normally ./configure , make and make
install is used .But see READme first before installing]
Sharingan Perfect
Sharingan Perfect

Number of posts : 850
Age : 48
Registration date : 2008-03-12

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